Posts Tagged ‘Bible’

This post was shared in Spanish in my personal blog first. I would like to share it with you in English. Hope it be a blessing for you.

“Unless Your law had been my delight,

I would then have perished in my affliction.

“Oh, how I love Your law!

It is my meditation all the day.”

Psalms 119.92,97 (NKJV)


The psalm 119, the largest of the Psalms, is a beautiful declaration of God’s law, this psalm expresses how important is the law and the Word of God for the life of His children. This psalm, in every verse, expresses a truth about God’s law, it expresses, as the title of the psalm has in some Bibles, the Excellencies of the Word of God.

Last week, God brought me to a point of craving His Word and understanding the need His children have of it. Reading His Word is not a habit most of each day, or a liturgy within our religious activities, or a simple routine activity meaningless. Reading and meditating on His Word literally becomes spiritual nourishment in the life of every believer, and this nourishment has significance in the emotional and physical in our being.

Each letter of the Bible deserves to have a deep conviction in us of its importance and divine inspiration, that is, each letter is given by God. This makes the Bible different compared to any other book that may exist. The Bible is God’s revealed truth to mankind to reveal Himself to us in love and righteousness. It is important, therefore, never dismiss each letter in the Bible. We cannot say that the Bible is boring or outdated, or meaningless, but rather we must admit that our limited humanity does not allow us to understand how wonderful the Word of God is.

I know, and it really really hurts me, the Bible has been used with very evil purposes and it does not reflect the character of God at all. The Bible has been misguided, misinterpreted, taken out of context, has served so that movements (even today) be supported against the same man and against God Himself. Religious leaders, leaders in general, and others can use the Bible for their corrupt interests and for their own pleasure, and this is very sad.

Despite this, the Bible continues to be the only Truth revealed by God to men. Imagine for a moment humanity without knowing what is right, what the meaning of life is, what better decision making is, what purpose has it all; in very concrete terms , imagine humanity confused by not knowing what is true. Suddenly, God in His infinite grace and mercy opens His heart and reveals His character and His purposes, and our life becomes meaningful. This is what happened to Israel when they received the law of God in the desert after being freed from Egypt. The people confused, with no purpose, with no direction, receives God’s laws for men, laws never received before. And continually God spoke to His people. In the midst of terrible times in their rebellion, God spoke. Amid times of severe drought and loneliness, God spoke. Amid times of silence, God spoke.

The Word of God, His law, is life for believers. It becomes a great need in the life of every believer that our spirit within us cries out to God for His Word. It is not bigotry, neither religion, neither legalism, neither addiction. It is a necessity such as when your body is hungry and asks for food, or when he is thirsty and asks for water.

Today I pray for God to move us as a church to crave His Word with such reverence and necessity that we cannot spend another moment without His Word in every decision and every step we take. Ask God, cry out to God, so that we wake up this longing of His Word in you. Because in the midst of a confused world, the only thing that gives us guide is His Word.

Several months ago I had the opportunity to watch this great video from a guy that explains the reasons why church needs to grow about her understanding in homosexuality. This guy, Matthew Vines, shares biblical arguments in a very smart, spiritual and sensible way!!

I invite you to watch this video. I am sure you will be blessed. God bless you.


Para nuestros visitantes, amigos y hermanos que nos leen en español, el video que compartimos a continuación tiene subtítulos en español a través de la función “Captions” en youtube. Confiamos sea un bendición para cada uno de ustedes.

Dios les bendiga mucho mucho.



My story doesn’t deviate much from many other stories.  I once was a kid, and I attended church because my parents made me.  But at age 13, I attended a Christian summer camp, and that is when my independent relationship with Jesus began.  I can clearly remember the night that I affirmed my faith, it was a feeling I have never had but that once.  It really was being born again.

At the same time, I started contemplating my place as a Christian.  At age 7, I had experiences with a 9-year-old friend of mine that were truly sexual in nature, beyond simple exploration.  By age 11, I began to notice and have romantic feelings for other boys.  At the same time, I knew that the Bible (as I understood it) did not have a favorable view of being gay.  So, this was a real dilemma for me. It kept me up, and when I would ask myself “am I still gay?” and the answer was yes, it felt like an out-of-body experience, like “this can’t be my life, when do I wake from this nightmare?”

I suffered this secret for years.  I never acted effeminate, but my conspicuous lack of a girlfriend probably gave me away, and people would not refrain from trying to dig and ask why.  Finally, at age 19, I became friends with a wonderful person, a Christian also, and we grew close.  One night, June 13, 2003, it was late, and I said I wanted to share a secret that I had told no one.  I awkwardly and gently came out.  And I was accepted.  I thanked God profusely.

As time went on, I was more brave.  I came out to more and more, sometimes of my own volition, sometimes because I was asked point blank but I had the confidence to answer truthfully.  I came out to my mom on June 13, 2007 (my coming out anniversary).  Then more family, and finally to my dad in January 2013.  My journey (in coming out) was basically over, and Jesus was with me for every step and still is.  I am comfortable with myself, but I still work on it.

And by walking with Christ, or, admittedly, sometimes only in the direction of Christ, new mercies become apparent.  I have learned that this journey can go forth as quickly or as slowly as possible, but that it always goes forth in joy with Jesus as your shepherd, who is there to guide us whether it is calm or stormy.  Jesus can be in everyone, but it is up to us to prepare in ourselves a sturdy home for Him.  Fortunately, Jesus is a carpenter, and He is a carpenter in our hearts… we only have to let Him in, and He can build in us a great home by leading us in Faith.